Peace and health are two precious and essential aspects of human existence. Yet, they are often lost in daily life—be it through accidents, socio-political unrest, failure, the loss of a loved one, or even betrayal.
It is normal and expected to feel hurt after certain events. However, make it your duty in this new year to possess and preserve your peace and health because they are costly; they were bought at the price of Jesus Christ’s blood (Isaiah 53:5).
Strive to take care of your health (spiritual, physical, mental, and financial) as the Bible exhorts us to prosper in all things just as our soul prospers (3 John 1:2). Seek the peace that Jesus Christ gives (John 14:27).
In 2025, challenges, ups, and downs will always arise, yet you can live through the entire year without being overwhelmed by difficult moments. Nourish your spiritual health and the peace Jesus Christ provides through hymns, prayers, fasting, simplicity, supportive relationships, sincerity, and truth.
Make Jesus Christ the center of your life. Set healthy goals, make the Bible one of your closest companions, and you will experience a joyful and excellent year. Jesus Christ was mistreated, wounded, and chastised so that you could live in peace, health, and happiness (Isaiah 53:3-6).
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