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Christian Lifestyle

 7 Things You May Not Know About Amel Lafleur

  1. A Converted Brother, a Spiritual Man of God Pastor Amel Lafleur is, above all, a brother and a deeply spiritual man. His passion for the word of God and the things of God is evident in each of his sermons. He spends long hours in prayer and meditation, seeking to deepen his relationship with God and better understand the Scriptures. His unwavering faith and devotion serve as an inspiration to many believers. 2. A Devoted Apostle As an […]

todaySeptember 18, 2024 97

Christian Lifestyle

Une Nouvelle génération d’Esther

Dans un monde en perpétuelle évolution, une nouvelle génération de femmes se lève, inspirée par l'exemple de la reine Esther de la Bible. Ces femmes, dévouées à la prière et à la Parole de Dieu, se consacrent également à leur développement personnel à tous les niveaux, s'intégrant de manière concrète dans la vie de leur communauté ecclésiastique et au-delà. L'Exemple d'Esther La reine Esther est un modèle intemporel de courage, de foi et de dévouement. Son histoire, racontée dans le […]

todaySeptember 12, 2024 62 3 2

Christian News

Festi Glory and Praise: An Unmissable Gospel Celebration

Festi Glory and Praise, a highly anticipated Gospel event, will soon take place under the organization of Kensley Alexandre. This concert promises to be a vibrant celebration of praise and worship, bringing together talented singers and a spiritually hungry audience. Date: September 28, 2024 Time: 6:00 PM Location: The Kingdom Church, 800 N Pine RD, Orlando This concert will feature various artists, from local musicians to international talents. Each performance will be an opportunity to glorify the name of God […]

todaySeptember 12, 2024 59 11

Christian News

Wiliadel Denervil: A Highly Anticipated Debut Album

Already deeply rooted in the hearts of her fans, Wiliadel Denervil is ready to set Delmas ablaze with the release of her debut album, scheduled for next October, God willing. Known for her charismatic presence and energetic performances, Wiliadel promises to mark this special occasion with a memorable celebration. Wiliadel Denervil’s debut album, composed of around eight tracks, will be officially launched during a signing event. This ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, October 13, 2024, at 3 PM, at the […]

todaySeptember 10, 2024 81 17

Christian News

les derniers hommages au pasteur Joselito Maximillien

Aujourd'hui, nous rendons les derniers hommages au serviteur de Dieu, le Pasteur Joselito Jiménez J. Maximillien. Son départ nous attriste profondément, mais nous sommes également remplis de gratitude pour la vie et l'œuvre de ce précieux homme de Dieu. Le Pasteur Joselito Jiménez J. Maximillien a été un pilier dans notre communauté, servant avec un dévouement inébranlable au sein de la Medipe et au-delà. Son ministère a touché de nombreuses vies, apportant la lumière de l'Évangile et la chaleur de […]

todaySeptember 7, 2024 3103 17 3

Christian Lifestyle

Why a Pastor Should Not Accept Gifts from a Non-Believer

Biblical Reflection Text The act of giving and receiving gifts is deeply rooted in Christian traditions, but it can raise ethical and spiritual questions, especially when it involves a Christian pastor and a gift from a non-believer. In this reflection, we will explore some reasons why a pastor should carefully consider before accepting such gifts, through a biblical analysis.   Spiritual Purity and Sanctification The Bible exhorts believers, especially those in positions of leadership, to remain pure and sanctified in […]

todaySeptember 2, 2024 53 8

Christian News

Sr Gabe is: “Natirelman bel nan kris,” the first song by the wife of Christian rapper Frè Gabe.

Frè Gabe, the renowned Christian rapper, reveals a new dimension of his artistry with the release of " Natirelman bel nan kris," the debut track by his wife. This unique piece in his career not only showcases his commitment to his Christian faith but also his desire to share his musical talent with his family. In this new single, Frè Gabe's wife takes us on a journey through deep and inspiring lyrics, reflecting her relationship with God and her spiritual […]

todaySeptember 1, 2024 214 23

Christian News

Rwandan Government Closes 5,500 Churches

The Rwandan government recently decided to close approximately 5,500 churches nationwide, triggering a range of reactions both locally and internationally. This measure is part of a broader effort to regulate religious institutions to ensure safety and moral standards compliance. Driven by concerns over building safety and allegations of non-compliance with Rwandan laws, this decision addresses the failure to meet construction standards and the accusations of promoting doctrines deemed harmful or misleading. Reactions to this decision are mixed: some support the […]

todayAugust 31, 2024 22 5

Christian Lifestyle

L’engagement politique des chrétiens haïtiens à la lumière de la Bible

La relation entre la foi chrétienne et l'engagement politique a toujours été complexe et parfois controversée. Dans un contexte comme celui d'Haïti, où la politique est souvent marquée par des tensions, des crises économiques et des défis sociaux profonds, cette question revêt une importance particulière.  Les Écritures bibliques, qui servent de guide moral et spirituel pour des millions de croyants, offrent une riche source de réflexion sur la manière dont les chrétiens peuvent et doivent interagir avec les structures de […]

todayAugust 30, 2024 87 9

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