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Daily Devotional and Prayer

The Freedom of Christ Sets Us Free

 Verse: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." - Galatians 5:1 (NIV) Freedom is one of Christ's most precious gifts through His sacrifice on the cross. This freedom is not just a release from physical chains but a profound spiritual liberation that touches every aspect of our lives. 1. Freedom from the Law and Sin Before the coming of Christ, the […]

todayDecember 9, 2024 49 1

Daily Devotional and Prayer

Written in God’s Book

Proverbs 13:20: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." The god of this age has blinded many people so that they cannot see the beauty of the Gospel. If you are among those who have felt drawn to the Father, remember to thank Him every day for this grace. Reflection: Many do not perceive the importance or meaning of the Gospel because they are blind, as 2 Corinthians 4:4 highlights. This verse states […]

todayDecember 5, 2024 28 2

Daily Devotional and Prayer

A Good Testimony

Proverbs 27:21: "The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but people are tested by their praise." Today, I would like to remind you of the importance of having a good reputation, no matter who you are. Whether you like it or not, it is essential to be aware of the need to watch over your reputation, among other things. A good reputation reflects what others say about us or the image we have built for ourselves. Let's remember […]

todayDecember 4, 2024 22 2

Daily Devotional and Prayer

What Would Jesus Christ Do in My Place?

Verse: "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." - John 13:15 Reflection: This morning, let's ponder this powerful question: What would Jesus do in my place? Jesus lived a life of love, compassion, humility, and service. He left us a perfect example to follow in our daily interactions, decisions, and lives. In every situation, we can strive to imitate His actions and character. This reflection invites us to align our […]

todayDecember 2, 2024 21 5

Daily Devotional and Prayer

Will You Be at This Wedding?

Verse: "Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise." - Matthew 25:1-2 Reflection: This morning, let’s meditate on the parable of the ten virgins. Jesus uses this story to remind us of the importance of preparation and spiritual vigilance. The five wise virgins took oil for their lamps, while the five foolish ones did not bring enough oil. When […]

todayNovember 29, 2024 9 7

Christian Lifestyle

Thanking God: For What Reason?

During this Thanksgiving season, it is fitting to remember the many reasons why we should thank God. Gratitude is an essential component of the Christian life, and it is important to take a moment to reflect on the blessings we have received. Salvation in Jesus Christ First and foremost, we must thank God for the gift of Jesus Christ is the highest expression of divine love. In John 3:16, it is written: "For God so loved the world that he […]

todayNovember 28, 2024 60 11

Christian Lifestyle

What Sets You Apart from the World: Transcendental Christian Values

As Christians, we are called to be different from the world around us. What sets us apart from the world are essentially the values that the world does not possess or fully understand. Here are some of these values, accompanied by biblical references to better illustrate their importance: 1. Practice Agape Love Agape love is an unconditional and selfless love that comes from God. This love is an essential characteristic of Christians. The Bible teaches us that true love transcends […]

todayNovember 27, 2024 29 4

Daily Devotional and Prayer

Nothing is Lost

Verse: "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 Reflection: This morning, take courage in this powerful promise: nothing is lost. No matter the challenges or trials you face, God can transform every situation for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. This verse reminds us that even in moments of doubt and despair, […]

todayNovember 27, 2024 37 2 2


Evens Pierre

Evens Pierre is an exceptional man, skillfully juggling the roles of journalist, entrepreneur, and theologian. His magnetic aura inspires young people to reach new heights. As an enlightened leader, he guides a flourishing Christian community of over 300 members, embodying the values of compassion and dedication. As the founding CEO of the revolutionary initiative Degajew Angajew, Evens touches and transforms the lives of thousands of people each month, sowing hope and fulfillment in his wake. His influence as a Christian […]

todayNovember 26, 2024 531 39

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