1 Timothy The book of 1 Timothy
This word from Jesus Christ is a precious guarantee during life’s storms. While men seek peace through violence, thereby increasing their worries, Jesus invites us not to worry about anything but to make our needs known to Him.
Worrisome situations are always present: at work, in our neighborhood, facing illnesses, unemployment, or the inability to accomplish certain tasks. However, when we possess the peace that Jesus Christ gives, a natural calm and confidence in the future settle within us, assuring us that everything will be excellent.
The peace in Jesus Christ gives us the strength to continue and the courage to face all the challenges of life. It allows us to see even in the darkest moments. With this divine peace, we can move forward with confidence, knowing that Jesus is with us.
Almighty God (Elohim), we thank you for the peace we have in you and for renewing it each day. Help us, Father, to keep this peace in Jesus Christ our Lord throughout our lives, fixing our eyes on you without wavering or doubting. Grant us the grace to continually trust in you to keep us in perfect peace in you.
May this devotion be a source of comfort and strength for all who seek peace in Jesus Christ? May we always remember that His peace is a precious gift, renewed each day, guiding and strengthening us through all of life’s trials.
Written by: Radio Paw Team
Daily Devotion Peace in Jesus Christ
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