1 Timothy The book of 1 Timothy
Verse: “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.” – Matthew 25:1-2
Reflection: This morning, let’s meditate on the parable of the ten virgins. Jesus uses this story to remind us of the importance of preparation and spiritual vigilance. The five wise virgins took oil for their lamps, while the five foolish ones did not bring enough oil. When the bridegroom arrived, only the wise virgins were ready to enter the wedding hall.
The question posed by this parable is clear: Will you be ready for Christ’s return? Are you vigilant, with your lamp full of oil symbolizing your living and active faith? This parable encourages us to live each day anticipating Jesus’ return, keeping our hearts and minds ready for the heavenly Bridegroom.
Prayer: Lord, help me to be like the wise virgins, always ready and vigilant. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so my faith remains alive and active. Give me the wisdom and strength to live each day in preparation for your return. May I not be caught off guard, but be found faithful and ready to meet you. Amen.
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